Pirate Scratch - Rules

What is Pirate Scratch?

Pirate Scratch is a fun Pirate-themed scratch card game. Scratch the cards and try to win one of the big prizes! Arrgh Matey, let's dig up some gold, shall we?

In-game Pirate Scratch screenshots

Pirate Scratch in-game image on PlayBitcoinGames.com

Pirate Scratch game rules

While Pirate Scratch can be one of the most enjoyable games in a casino, it’s also one of the riskiest. It can be challenging for players to calculate the value of their bets. In fact, this is why casinos profit from most players at the game – they bet irrationally or out of ignorance. So before betting, one needs to understand the rules carefully, and they are :

  1. Players have to choose the amount of the bet according to their purse. The higher the amount is selected, the higher the return value could be but where there is more risk involved. Gamblers need to maintain a risk-benefit analysis while playing this game.
  2. After placing the bet, scratch the cards. However, you can use the button Scratch all cards to fasten up the process.
  3. After the cards get scratched, and all the symbols have been revealed, then match the same characters in a set of 3 to win the exciting prizes and offers.

Everyone has the same chance of winning. The casino wants to make sure that players follow all rules to ensure that games are conducted in a fair manner and to the benefit of both the players and the casino.

Pirate Scratch Tips & facts

When betting on an event, it’s important to understand the variables that determine the odds. First, you have to know about your chances of winning, and then you must be aware of how the house will profit from you making a bet. With these two variables in mind, you can make a bet that makes sense for you.

  1. The house edge of this game is around 3%
  2. While playing online, players should turn on the sound to have a better experience of the game.

Pirate Scratch Payment Modes

The payment methods are designed to be convenient and easy for the customers. Bitcoin casinos like playbitcoingames offer crypto currency payments like bitcoin and litecoin. Gamblers love to play games of chance, where they can win the stakes.

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